Nimchuk Equine’s Dinner for the Mustangs Was a Success!

Thank you for everyone who supported us in our Dinner for the Mustangs! We raised $2,085! Each of our five featured rescues will receive $417! We also sold gourmet cookies for Salvation Wild Mustang Corp and will be sending them $247. It was such a fun evening.

A representative from Supervisor Joel Anderson's office visited with a very kind certificate for our founder Linda. Thank you Robert for overseeing the sales booth! Much appreciation for Victor of Boll Weevil Restaurant and his hard-working employees. Much gratitude to Andrea Watson for creating all our fliers, posters and displays. So grateful for individuals and local businesses who donated items. We had a wonderful surprise from author Kerri Lake, who kindly donated copies of her book "Listen Like A Horse," which sold out almost immediately!! Thank you to Christina O'Brien whose beautiful jewelry nearly all sold out!!

Our first event was a big success, and we are so grateful to everyone who contributed!


Thank you, Andrea!


Dinner For The Mustangs!